Forex trading is nothing more than direct access trading of different types of foreign currencies. In the past, foreign exchange trading was mostly limited to large banks and institutional traders. However recent technological advancements have made it so that small traders can also take advantage of the many benefits of forex trading just by using the various online trading platforms to trade.
The currencies of the world are on a floating exchange rate, and they are always traded in pairs. About 85 percent of all daily transactions involve trading of the major currencies. Four major currency pairs are usually used for investment purposes. They are: Euro against US dollar (EUR/USD), US dollar against Japanese yen (USD/JPY), British pound against US dollar (GBP/USD) and US dollar against Swiss franc (USD/CHF).
If you think one currency will appreciate against another, you may exchange that second currency for the first one and be able to "stay" in it. If everything goes as you plan it, eventually you may be able to make the opposite deal in that you may exchange this first currency back for that other and then collect profits from it. As a note bear in mind that no dividends are paid on currencies.
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
What is Forex Trading..
Able Trend 7.0..
The software reveals the natural law in all markets. Our award-winning trading system software provides specific buy/sell/stop/exit signals based on AbleSys' time-proven proprietary algorithms for any market and any time chart.
Now you can use AbleTrend 7.0 to design and verify your trading strategies with back testing or virtual paper trades.
Automated Forex Grall..
The Automated Forex Grail contains a proprietary algorithm and allows you to transverse the forex markets by providing expert trending advice based on fluctuating forex market conditions.
1. Automated Forex Grail Requirements
- The Automated Forex Grail isn't difficult to install. Its just like any piece of simple software that you click on to install. - Investment is required, aside from the software, a single $500 deposit is needed to get started trading. - It contains an intuitive interface and does not require a technical knowledge to navigate. - This system has real time optimising engine which adapts to any market condition. This is necessary because markets fluctuate and are unpredictable. - One way to get started with this is to use learn the ropes whilst using a demo account and when you're ready, switch to a real forex account.
2. How does the Automated-Forex-Grail work?
Market conditions fluctuate daily.
When a forex system is developed for a particular market condition, and variables are inserted into the equation, the system falls apart. Having a forex system that is able to react and handle new market conditions is necessary.
This is where the automated forex grail is different. This system has been developed to constantly adapt to a changing market using its highly complex real-time optimising engine. This basically means when the forex market alters, the automated forex grail is able to redefine itself with the current forex market using proprietary AI, which is what other forex robot systems fail to do.
Invest in a good Forex EA Robot can help you trade effectively and can be configured according to your personal risk settings.
Leia Mais…Low Risk..
It is very similar to day trading, which was so popular in the tech bubble that took place in the stock markets in the 1990's, except it is much more predictable, dependable and profitable. Currency tend to go in the same direction for a period of time. That directional pattern is usually decreased or increased when a governmental or financial report is issued relating to that particular currency.
So, while we know the direction the currency is moving in, why not just jump on and enjoy the ride and put some money in your bank account. A currency course that is one of the most popular, the longest lasting and the best selling ever instructs this trading method at its highest level. The name of the course is Forex Trading Made E Z.
The great thing about this class is that it is written in a very easy to read and understand format. After a week or so reading the E-Books and watching the videos you will be ready to start trading and making some good money.
The class teaches you to follow one little thing, we in the profession call it a "Forex Indicator." If it informs you to buy a currency, then you buy that currency. If it tells you to short a currency, then you short that currency. Don't be concerned if you're not familiar with the term "short," the instructor explains everything is the videos. It is very trouble-free to understand and implement.
There are thousands of people who have taking this course and swear by this Forex strategy since it has made so much money for them. It only takes a few minutes to check out its website for yourself and hopefully it will do for you what it has done for so many others before you.
Leia Mais…Learn How To Trade Currency?
The currency trading tutorial you're about to receive here will give you a basic idea of how things works. However, you must keep in mind that this tutorial is only scratching the surface. The Forex market is complex, fast-paced and requires serious further study if you wish to trade successfully.
Now that we have that disclaimer out of the way, let's begin by looking at the fundamental unit involved in every trade: the 'currency pair'.
What are currency pairs?
Currency pairs are units of 2 currencies involved in a foreign exchange trade. For example, if you want to sell U.S. dollars to buy Euros, you would look at the exchange rate quoted for the EUR/USD currency pair. Or, if you wanted to sell Euros to buy U.S. dollars, you would look at the exchange rate quoted for the USD/EUR currency pair.
You might thinking: "Aren't they the same thing?" Well, they almost are, but you must look at the correct pair, in the correct order, based on the currency being purchased.
There are two reasons for doing this:
First, it is easier to calculate the results of your exchange in terms of how much of the base currency you can purchase with your 'quote' currency. Your base currency is the currency you intend to buy, and the quote currency is the currency you intend to sell in exchange for the base.
When quoting an exchange rate, your broker will list the base currency first in the pair, and the quote currency second.
This means that when you see a pair like EUR/USD, you are seeing the cost of 1 Euro in U.S. Dollars. An exchange rate quote of EUR/USD = 1.4436 means that 1 Euro costs $1.4436 in U.S. Dollars.
Likewise, the USD/EUR pair indicates the cost of 1 U.S. Dollar in terms of Euros. An exchange rate of USD/EUR = 0.6834 would mean that 1 U.S Dollar costs 0.6834 Euro.
The second reason for looking at the correct buy/sell ordered pair is that you'll want to know the difference between the 'bid price' (exchange rate) and the 'ask price' (what the market makers want for the currency).
The difference between bid price and ask price make up what is known as 'the spread'. Forex traders are subject to spreads when opening or closing trades in the buying position.
In other words, you are always subject to a spread when you buy, regardless of whether you are opening or closing the trade.
Open buy -> spread
Close sell -> no spread
Open sell -> no spread
Close buy -> spread
Let's say that you want to buy the EUR/USD pair. The bid price is 1.4436. The ask price may be something like 1.4440. You must pay the spread of 0.0004 in order to do the trade.
Those are the basics of a currency trade, but there are other factors to take into consideration. In order to make a profit on currency exchanges, you must also know how to calculate the cash value of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of 'basis points' - or, in Forex jargon - 'pips value'.
This currency trading tutorial will not cover pips values, but it is a concept you should investigate further if you want to master the basics of trade on the foreign exchange.
Leia Mais…Global Forex..
The trading takes place around the globe. You can trade currency whether you live in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Hong Kong, London or in any other place. You can even trade global Forex in a tiny, remote mountain village if you have the technology in place to make the trade.
Global Forex is a great market for any trader to partake in no matter where you stand in your skill level. Someone who has never traded on the Forex can easily understand get involved and learn how to prosper with global Forex. All that's needed for global Forex trading is some basic information to get on the right track.
Because global Forex is a liquid market, it doesn't carry the same risks as other markets. When a market is considered to be liquid, it means that what you're trading can be changed into cash in a very short time span. The trader isn't held fast over a long period of time in a liquid market like global Forex because when he or she wants out, they can move quickly.
Globle Forex is the biggest financial market that exists today and it's an ever growing market. The global Forex is used by large investment companies, banks and at home investors. Because global Forex is widely unheard of by some smaller investors, it's still a new market to many, but the Forex has been around for years.
Unlike some trading markets, global Forex is open continually. That means currency pairs can be traded on a twenty-four hour basis. You've heard of supply and demand in other consumer products, but what you may not know is that supply and demand exists among currency as well.
This is the reason how global Forex became the billion dollar market that it is today. If you wanted to buy something for your business here in the United States and what you wanted to buy was in Great Britain, you could not use your United States money to make the purchase. You would exchange your dollars for Great Britain's pound (also known as GBP). This is an example of how the globle Forex would work in a currency exchange.
Leia Mais…Save Both time and Money..
But you don't have to be an easy mark for any Tom, Dick or Harry who wants to take you for a ride on Forex. They'll offer you the moon and only after your wallet has shed some money will you realize it's an illusion and you've been duped. Be as smart about Forex products and tools as you are about trading currency on Forex.
If someone offers you something (usually a product) that sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Take the time to review the site where the product is offered. How long have they been in business?
What do other customers say about them in a review? Have you read a review about their Forex product in business magazines? Are their services under review by any software magazine? Have any other websites done a review on their Forex product? What did they have to say?
Check with a Forex colleague you trust. Have they done a review of the product? If not, ask if they will review the product so you can have a second opinion. If they're not sure, ask someone else you trust who knows about trading Forex how they would review the product, the company or the services.
It's far too easy in this day and age for someone to hide a worthless product behind a website. Look for those who not only offer an honest trial review of their product, but also the person who's willing to come out from behind the website and let the public know who they are. Those who like to hide behind the cloak of anonymity usually have something to hide.
There are some good companies who offer great Forex products available to a trader and the reliable ones would welcome a review from customers because they stand behind their product.
Many of these companies will let you try before you buy because they understand that one Forex customer with a complimentary review of their product could very well multiply into more Forex customers.
Leia Mais…Multiple Earning With Forex Automation..
The process however is not easy.
It would require a lot of knowledge about the forex system before one can seriously trade and make money. But recent developments in the trading system make it possible for people with very little forex background to start learning the forex system as fast as they could and start making money with just a little money to risk. With the introduction of forex automation in the forex trade system, many people who have never heard of forex before were drawn to it and started trading.
You probably heard of this automation but barely have an idea on how it is done. Many people have their own interpretation of the automation with regards to the forex system but unless you put your hands on the software you'll never know what really happens. Unless you are very familiar with the forex system, all your opinions about the forex automation will be pure guesses.
Forex automation makes trading fast and easy. It enables people with very limited knowledge about forex to trade as if they know what they are doing. All they need to know is basic knowledge on how the automation works. Other processes are already done by the software so the trader doesn't have to dig deep into the system to start doing business. This is something many people want to have. They want to take the shortcut to success which is somewhat achievable by automating the system.
The idea of automating the system came about as people with very little knowledge about the forex trading system came up and started trading.
Sadly, the forex became so overwhelming for many of them to move on so they quit as fast as they enter the business. Other people did not lose hope immediately and started making software to help them thrive in the very lucrative but very risky business. They understand that success requires level of expertise and that many people can't get to the level by their own.
The fact that many people are drawn to the massive opportunity to make money through forex trade despite its certain level of difficulty became the platform for forex automation as a business in itself.
The software now became the main source of income of developers as demands for any possible help in forex trading increase. The automatic systems they developed helped many people start making money through forex trading while they make money out of selling the systems. It's a fair deal for forex trader as they were able to start out with their business as fast as they could and increase their earning potentials by hundreds of times.
The earning possibility through the forex automation is limitless. While it is possible to start the forex trade with minimal knowledge, knowing the system and using the automation at the same time would multiply their potential and earning capacity.
Leia Mais…Money Making Secrets....
The "AINN" Artifical Intelligence Neural Network. The forex Robot earns more Money per Year than the Top 15 Traders of the world Combined!! Now for the First Time Ever sucessful Trader Mike Johnson wants to give you his Hidden Powerful Money-Making software!! Anyone can use it to Automatically Explode Your Trading Account. You'll See Indisputable Live Proof!!! The stockmarket may be slow,But there is alot of people cashing in on it Why Shouldn't you!!
Forex Selling...
A business such as forex trade is really a lucrative one. But it requires a large percentage of commitment and smart principles for you to succeed. It doesn't matter whether you are new in this business or that you have been around for some time, you can make a huge catch provided that you get some certain fundamental facts right. In addition you can loose in this trade if you do not get the right information on the aspects that the trade revolves on.
Once you decide to go into forex, make sure you have focus on what you need to do to succeed in the business. With trade your emotions should never have any part in the decisions that you make therefore you should develop a business mind. This is because the market is always fluctuating and if you are not careful, the frustration can get to you. Trading goes on at odd hours therefore you should be ready to work at any time.
There are people who have succeeded in forex business. The reason for their success is that they learn how the market operates. You need to understand various aspects that affect the performance of the market. For example, you need to know the effect of a country's GDP on the trade and what you are required to do in case such a misfortune struck. Forex business is just like any other business thereby there are some skills and experience that are important ingredients for it to succeed. In this case, if you are a first comer into the business you must consider taking some courses either online or offline to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills on the trade.
One of the skills that you need to have is good money management skill.This will determine whether you succeed or fail. As a forex trader you should be able to use yourcapital adequately without making it hard to continue with the business. Do not put all your money in one account.This is in case you get a loss. The best account to use is a demoaccount because you will not lose all your money when the approach you use fails. Select a broker who will help you to reach your long-term and short-term financial goals.
Leia Mais…Keep On Track...
The forex trading log is a simple tabular grid that has entries such as date, price, number of lots opened, exit price, the initial protective stop level, commodity and quantity. Most of the traders are used to using their personal diaries to keep records instead of the standard logs that are designed for forex trading. There are logs that are in book form and those that are in digital form. The format in the both is the same only difference comes in when you consider the convenience and flexibility.
Businesses have now gone digital and therefore bookkeeping and accounting have become easier. Spreadsheet programs are an example of a good trading log for your business because they have many computing and data management capabilities. Updating the figures is also easy since it is automated giving you a lot of flexibility. The spreadsheet programs that are used can help you make simple trading logs like the Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3.
There are many forex trading software in the market that can assist you in your forex trading tasks including log keeping. The available software includes tools that aid in market analysis, forecasting, order entry and management. This makes the package quite useful when you are trading.
A trading log can help you optimize your business weaknesses and make the best out of the venture. However, first you need to ask yourself why and what you should make entries and exits in the log. Else, it will be difficult to know what went wrong or what went right. Make sure you have a field where you will put the remarks after a fixed period of trading. This will play a big role when it comes to making important decisions regarding the strategies to adapt in your profitable forex trading business.
Leia Mais…Improve Your Trading...
Seeking ways to improve forex trading is a consistent goal of any forex trader. To continue being successful with Forex trading, you will need to adopt a trading system. Whether you are a beginner, or a more experienced investor, you should always be searching for new and more efficient ways to conduct your forex trading and increase your profits.
There are many people who get involved in the forex market without really understanding how it works and the underlying principles which need to be applied to forex trading. It is common to set yourself goals which are unachievable and all you end up with is a bad financial experience. The Forex market is very volatile and with traders typically trading amounts of money 100 times their margin, that margin can be lost very quickly. It is very important therefore that new forex traders constantly seek ways to improve forex trading. The best way to do this is to use forex trading systems.
Using a trading system has advantages. With a trading system, you can use reasoned judgement when deciding to enter a trade. This helps avoid being late on entries due to hesitation, or the wrong gut feeling or second opinion. For the same reasons, a trading system will give you less doubts about when to exit a trade or when to stay in.
When you adopt a trade system, try it our on your practise account in real time, to become experienced as to how and why it works. Start off with small margins when you start trading real money. Always look for ways to improve your trading system.
Another issue fort the forex trader is that it is a 24 hour 5 day a week market. It is impossible to watch all of the markets all of the time. Many forex traders are turning to software technology to monitor the markets for them. There is a lot of different software on offer so it pays to research and read reviews on the various products available. Leia Mais…Forex Markets..
Forex is even recognized as FX or either as Foreign Exchange deal of money making all over the globe. Forex has its individual trade not unlike various businesses.
The overseas exchange facilitates industries, nationalized banks and other Fiscal associations --to trade for overseas currency. As overseas trade is performed in each corner of world, the exchange can be done 24/7. The purpose for this need for foreign exchange currency is that, it comprises wealth stream come up from exchange in commodities and benefit, foreign speculation and credit and statement on the upcoming level of currency value.
Forex exchange is the best leading source on the earth. The financial dealings carried on at large scale yet solved within couple of days.
The main exchange is done through currencies such as:
Dollar from US, Canada, Australia, British Pounds, Swiss Franc, Euro & Japanese Yen also play leading role.
There are 3 players in Forex Trade:
• Clients • Nationalized Banks • Stockbroker
Clients, such as MNCs contribute to the forex trade since they need overseas cash for business in various nations. For instance; a manufacturing corporation establish in the US to utilize forex exchange to purchase the US$ they want to disburse to their complement cooperation in other nation that trade bulky gears.
Nationalized Banks is dynamic contributor in the forex exchange. They transact business with fiscal organizations that request them for overseas currency and could purchase from forex market.
The dealer functions as mediators among the banks. The basic duty of a forex dealer has to keep the track of what is the maximum purchase value of banks? And which bank has the modest selling value?
By means of a dealer it is answerable for banks to get the most excellent trade offered on the earth. Forex dealer simply demands for fee and do not trade with its finance.
Not like other economic markets, the overseas exchange has many markets. Forex is not contract across market flooring but it deals and connects with phone and PC involving traders in various fiscal organizations in different nations.
To conduct Business in this trading market is highly uncertain and new learner must not make an effort exclusive of training or support of experienced forex broker. If your Strategy is to come into the forex trade, it is suggested that one should have complete knowledge regarding the forex trade and about its movements. In Forex exchange, one can effortlessly put on revenue and you can simply get away from making riches.
Forex market is changeable and can keep you away from making wealth. Undertake a session or training that are presented by forex brokers. This seminar is suggested because you can comprehend with uncertainties and doubts of the market and learn to overcome it. As a result one can underrate fallers and get the most revenue out.
Forex trade is exceptionally uncertain, within a moment the existing rate of some currency is soaring and within the second moment it falls. Forex market could be extremely beneficial foundation to generate revenue but also full of twists and turns.
Leia Mais…Main Advantages Of Forex...
1. Extremely Liquid Market
With daily traded volume of up to 2.5 trillion on a single day, Forex market is extremely liquid. Concerns should be only limited to whether your market view is correct. If the price level you wish to trade is the current market rate, you can be assured that your order will be completely filled. No worries on partial fill or market depth, due to the high daily traded volume. Trade the currency at your desired price.
Being the largest financial market, you can be rest assured that there will be no manipulation to the market as no single entity can manipulate the market in any direction.
2. 24 Hour Market
Trade anytime you want to with Forex as its open 24 hours, 5 days a week. No market opening or closing, restricting your momentum in trades.
3. Good Trading Opportunities
For traders keen to leverage on the forex market, a daily range of 50 to 300 pips worth of trading opportunities is available for intraday traders.
4. Familiarity
Forex trading is not something unfamiliar to everyone. All of us do currency conversions at some point in our life. Important factors to understand the behavior of forex are, what constitutes to the strength or weakness of the currency. Is it determined by strength of economy? Demand and supply? So, understanding of the forex market is not something difficult.
5. Value of Currency
Consider the risk of a company’s stocks collapsing vs. the risk of a country’s currency collapsing. It should be obvious that currency is a more stable form of investment for trading.
6. Margin Trading
With margin trading, you can trade $100,000 worth of contracts with only $2,000 to $4,000. Yet, the trading opportunity is based on the actual contract size. With a smaller capital outlay, you can free up your cash for other forms of investments or usage.
7. Good Variety of Order Types
Though some traders are concerned that market will slip away while they are resting, causing sleepless nights, the variety of order types available helps to shorten the hours you need to keep monitoring the market. Use limit, stop loss, OCO orders, with time frame of either day or GTC to help you carry out trade effectively.
8. Forex vs Futures
* Liquidity and Flexibility
The spot Forex market statistically shows in 2006 that the volume traded is a whopping $2.5 trillion daily, making it the largest and most liquid market in the world.
Futures contracts are segregated into different contracts that are exchange traded. Forex contracts on the other hand are OTC. Having greater flexibility ensures higher liquidity to your trades. Your trades will always be done exactly at the number of lots you indicated. They will not be done only partially.
* Delivery/ Tenor of Contracts
The tenor of Futures contract is typically 3 months. Which in practice, buyers of futures contracts are advised to square off their positions at the 1st notice date to enjoy greater liquidity. And if traders wish to continue trading in that particular contract under Futures, they should enter into the next futures contract of 3 months validity. You may need to square off your position at a price level that is not to your advantage.*
Forex trading under Phillip futures, however, provides auto-rollover. This ensures that you only square off your position when you desire, without worrying about contract expiry date.
*Based on all things being equal, you have excess margin to cushion the daily mark to market margin requirements.
9. Forex vs Equities
Trading Hours
Foreign exchange trading under Phillip futures provides trading 24hours a day, 5 days a week. The equities market, are relatively less flexible, as trading is at certain time frames, only when the respective markets are open. This provides more liquidity vis a vis the equities market.
* Nature of Trade
Speculative Trading
If traders are actually looking at trades from a speculative point of view, Forex actually provides more room for speculation. Imagine in the case of equities, you can hold short positions only for 1 month under CFDs. To hold beyond a month, your position will be rolled over with a fee involved. Whereas for Forex trading, you can hold on to your short position for as long you wish, through our free auto rollover, as long as your margin requirements allow. This gives the added flexibility of trading.
Investment Trading
Under shares trading, there is a substantial chance that a company may fold/go belly up. But under Forex trading, if you're looking at currency appreciation, you are basing your investment on the country's fundamentals.
Trading in shares, you're investing in the financial strength and prospect of the company. It entitles you certain percentage of shareholding in the company. Should the company perform badly, your shares become relatively low in value. Trading in forex, you're investing in the economy of the country. It entitles you to money itself. The currency you're investing in is backed up by a whole country's economy. The risk you bear is sovereign risk.
* Margin Trading
Under equities trading, you can do contra (margin trading for 3 days), or CFD (margin trading for a month). Under Forex trading, its margin all the way. Leverage on the margin. Provide only the maintenance margin required for your necessary trades, and free up your cash. From another point of view, leverage trading will allow you to maximize your trading opportunities.
Fab Turbo..
System Requirements
Win 9x, NT, 2000, XP, Vista Leia Mais…
Investment Inc..
Investment Inc is created for those who want to improve their financial condition, but do not have economic education and are not the financial experts..
Safe Investments...
Because we work with currency exchange trading on a daily basis in the Forex currency market, we clearly understand how difficult and time consuming it would be for an investor who wants to take advantage of the potential opportunities in the 24-hour foreign currency market and lacks both the time and experience to trade on their own. And at the same time conduct important technical analysis and hourly price chart studies including important economic data..
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Forex Profile..
About The Learn About Forex Blog
“Show me the money!” begged the character of an exuberant Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the classic sports agent flick, Jerry Maguire. Well, if you also think cash is hot diggity, you are so right.
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Leia Mais…Currency Converter..
The Universal Currency Converter® contains the top 85 currencies sorted by country name...
Leia Mais…Google Adsense PPC.....
When you apply to Google Adsense program, important thing you must ensure the quality of your Blogger or website that meet the program policies. If ok, then Google Adsense welcomes you to apply for the program.
New Ways to Diversify Risk with Russell Index Futures on Eurex US.

once you’ve started your education, one of the first questions you want to answer is how you are going to trade. Making this decision is going to tell you what you’re next level of education will be about. Are you going to scalp, day trade, swing trade, or buy and hold for the long run?
Exact Exchange Rates..
A simple definition of the exchange rate sounds like this: a rate for exchanging one currency for another. The exchange rate is the price of a currency, like every product or service has its own price. This means that a certain country’s currency has a certain value compared to another country’s currency. You need to be aware of the different exchange rates whenever you travel to another country and you have to buy that country’s currency. The reason for this is that the exchange rate is keeping the keeping the value of the currency at its own level.
The first method is the fixed rate. This fixed rate is being set and maintained by a country’s central bank and it is considered to be the official exchange rate for that certain currency. This type of exchange rate is sometimes called ’self-correcting’ because the market is automatically correcting the differences between the supply and the demand for the currency. This kind of exchange rate is constantly being modified based on the supply and demand levels.
It may seem like the floating exchange rate is closer to the real value of a currency because the price is being determined by the supply and demand for that currency. The black market may strongly influence the exchange rate for the currency. In conclusion, no exchange rate is being determined entirely on a fixed or floating method.
The Exchange Rate: Dollars for Yen or Yen for Dollars, Which Way is It
Excecutive Sumarry about The Exchange Rate: Dollars for Yen or Yen for Dollars, Which Way is It By Nick Larson
Now suppose that Forex exchange rate of the dollar declined by 7 percent from one year to the next against the mark. When Forex exchange as we have defined it goes up (e.g., from 100 yen to 120 yen), the dollar buys more foreign currency - the dollar has appreciated. When Forex exchange rate goes down (e.g., from 100 yen to 90 yen), the dollar buys less foreign currency - the dollar has depreciated.
If Forex exchange rate in our terms is equal to 100 yen to the dollar, the inverse would be $0,01 (one cent) per yen. If the dollar appreciates, from 100 yen to 120 yen to the dollar (dollar purchases more yen), then Forex exchange rate, expressed as the cost of yen, declines in dollar terms, in this example dropping from $0,01 to $0,0083.
The appreciating dollar means that yen purchased in foreign exchange Forex markets are now cheaper to buy with dollars, exactly the concept that trade economists wish to show. But it also means that their definition of the Forex dollar-exchange rate falls when the dollar appreciates! This is very confusing and so we define Forex exchange rate as yen per dollar, rather than dollars per yen.
An Information.
Forex dealing is all about playing with stocks and money from other countries and corresponding forms of products. One nation’s money is considered against the money from another country to figure the value. The entire value is taken into review when buying and selling stocks on the FX markets. Most countries have management over the total worth of their country with regards to monies. Individuals speculating in the FX markets include banking institutions, large businesses, international administrations and finance companies.
Leia Mais…A Better Opinion..
New to Forex option trading? You are not alone. Thousands of traders are newbies at Forex option trading, too.
For years, the Forex was the playing field of major banks, central banks, and huge financial institutions. This changed with the advent of the Internet. Today, anyone with a connection can turn a profit from Forex option trading. With no exchange fees, clearing dues, NFA charges, or SEC payments, the Forex is certainly one very appealing market.
Best Performer software..
Forex Software Reviews - Why You Should Always Read Them
Executive Summary about forex software By By Nadav Snir
There are a lot of forex currency systems out there to choose from, but before you do, you need to read as many forex software reviews as you can. By reading forex software reviews, you can ensure that you’re taking the proper steps in choosing the right system for your needs. Your best bet is to choose an automated forex software that will make trades 24/7. As you read forex software reviews, you need to pay attention to which software is easiest to set up. Each forex software is programmed with its own parameters and rules. Forex software reviews are a MUST READ if you want to make good money with forex trading. Leia Mais…
Forex Online.
The Traders Club is designed to help subscribers become a highly profitable forex traders. It is not a single piece of software nor is it an online forex trading platform. The Traders Club offers the complete package including a Forex Trading course for beginners and videos, ebooks, sofware tools, articles, daily trade analysis and much more than.....
Leia Mais…Praperation 4 Rainy Days...
Thinking of the future is hard, especially when you are constantly bothered by the spending of the past. Why think of putting more money into your savings when you are still constantly reminded of your student loan? How can you think of how you’ll spend your retirement years if you have to worry about mortgages today?
Responsibilities Of a Trader:-
A day trader is one who practices day trading. The definition of day trading implies that it is the act of rapidly selling or buying of stocks in one whole trading day. Day trading is a high risk investment with the hopes of gaining high profits over the seconds or minutes the trader owns a specific share before selling it. Day trading is being favored by online traders or casual traders (at home traders) because it is quick and challenging.
Leia Mais…Your Experience.
If you are an experienced trader then you'll fall in love with these unique trading strategies, and will probably end up getting much of your profits from these strategies. Robert recently received a phone call from a Professional Fund Manager (one of those people who work for a big company trading on behalf of a large pool of investors). He called with a clarification question, and to congratulate him on the "*RAPID FOREX*" package (in particular the " FOREX Surfing " techniques). He told me that his company regularly buys any trading packages that becomes available to see what the techniques are incase they might learn something to be even more profitable in their trades for their clients. He stated that most training packages out there are a big waste of money, even scams, but he was surprised to find such useful techniques in the "*RAPID FOREX*" package. He declared that they will definitely be using these strategies for their clients - the same strategies you can now be using for yourself.
Risk Managment..
The most common risk management tools in FX trading are the limit order and the stop loss order. A limit order places restriction on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to be received. A stop loss order ensures a particular position is automatically liquidated at a predetermined price in order to limit potential losses should the market move against an investor’s position. The liquidity of the Forex market ensures that limit order and stop loss orders can be easily executed.
Your Strategy in Forex.
Currency traders make decisions using both technical factors and economic fundamentals. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and numerous patterns and mathematical analyses to identify trading opportunities, whereas fundamentalists predict price movements by interpreting a wide variety of economic information, including news, government-issued indicators and reports, and even rumor. The most dramatic price movements however, occur when unexpected events happen. The event can range from a Central Bank raising domestic interest rates to the outcome of a political election or even an act of war. Nonetheless, more often it is the expectation of an event that drives the market rather than the event itself.
Leia Mais…Foriegn Trading.
The trade balance portrays the net difference (over a period of time) between the imports and exports of a nation. A trade deficit can be an economic disaster for a government and a currency. A deficit may appear when a country is importing more than it is exporting, meaning that more money is leaving and less is coming in. In some ways, however, a trade deficit in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. A deficit is only negative if the deficit is greater than market expectations and therefore will trigger a negative price movement.
Your Trading Time.
You can be right about a potential market movement but be too early or too late when you enter the trade. Timing considerations are twofold, an expected market figure like CPI, retail sales or a federal reserve decision can consolidate a movement that’s already underway. Timing your move means knowing what’s expected and taking into account all considerations before trading. Technical analysis can help you identify when and at what price a move may occur. We will look at technical analysis in more detail later.
Basic Trade.
The Foreign Exchange market (also referred to as the Forex, FX market, "Cash" Forex or Spot Forex market ) is the largest financial market in the world, with more than $1.5 trillion changing hands every day — 30 times larger than the combined volume of all U.S. equity markets. Another major feature of the Forex market is that it operates 24 hours a day, corresponding to the opening and closing of financial centers in countries all across the world, starting each day in Sydney, then Tokyo, London and New York. At any time, in any location, there are buyers and sellers, making the Forex market the most liquid market in the world.
Partnership Trading.
Trading together with a friend can have its advantages. If one of you has more experience and the other more money, you can help your friend through your experience and he can help with margins. Together, you can trade larger size and perhaps make more profits. However, unless you both agree to the same line of action and what the possible contingencies might be, it is essential that you decide which of you is to execute the trades. It is more difficult reaching trading decisions together than on your own.
If you haven’t decided on the contingency measures in advance you’ll find yourself arguing and disagreeing in the middle of a trade going against you when timely action is of the essence. It can be quite disheartening and dangerous.
If you are not absolutely sure about your partner, and you don’t agree with the way he trades, you are better off trading on your own.
Take for example an instance where the order placed was ambiguous and the broker executed it twice. The traders accepted the mistake and then the market moved against them. The partner with the greater margins but less experience was in charge of execution. He placed the order before the market opened to roll the position out. The market moved against him, he covered the position at three times the premium received and then the market corrected. He was unable to get the other side because he couldn’t watch intraday.
Trading is a business! You must be totally prepared in terms of having a business plan, knowing how to place orders, and being on top of them from beginning to end. Even then things can go wrong, but being unprepared can lead to disaster. The smallest details must be thought of and prepared in advance, but mistakes and oversights still happen.
I came across an interesting concept. The path to enlightenment involves conquering five human weaknesses: greed, fear, ignorance, pride and jealousy. We should be all familiar with the first two, which cause much grief to traders, but the last three can be a big problems, too, so it’s worth pondering on them. Human weaknesses always show up to undermine one’s trading.
Greed makes people stay in a trade too long, or trade too big a size. Fear makes one get out of winning trades too early. Ignorance makes people commit innumerable mistakes. Pride doesn’t allow one to admit one is wrong and often, small losses are allowed to turn into huge losses because one doesn’t want to accept one is wrong. Jealousy can make one trade in a subjective manner.
A detached attitude is a great asset in trading. Trading is war and it is essential that you execute a pre-planned line of action flawlessly and unemotionally. You must be flexible and let things (that are now second nature) take their course. Be like an outside passive observer.
That is why it is so important to be at your best when trading. You must have all possible things on your side.
Forex Reserves of India Exceeds $100 Billion.
According to International Monetary Fund and Governmental Agencies, India today ranks sixth in Foreign Exchange Reserves. The rankings of some countries are as follows :
Japan - 644 BillionChina - 347 BillionTaiwan - 198 BillionS.Korea - 150 BillionHong Kong - 112 BillionIndia - 100 BillionSingapore – 94 BillionUSA – 87 BillionRussia – 66 BillionUK – 46 BillionPakistan – 13 Billion
The large growth in reserve shows underlying financial strength and savings power of the country. Finance Minister Jaswant Singh said India's record forex reserves will add greater momentum to the reforms to attain significantly higher growth. "Our reserves will add greater momentum to bolder economic reforms, enabling the country to achieve significantly higher growth. This will also provide a cushion facilitating higher level of investment activity," he said. "This level of forex reserves reinforces my conviction that our aim of self-reliance for which we have worked for several decades since independence, has now comfortably been reached at this point of great confidence," he said, adding, "The nation is on a much higher growth path."What does this really mean for India and South Asia? It really means pressure on Indian Rupees is now much less and unless India like China and Japan decides to keep the currency rate lower, Indian Rupees has the potential of rising rapidly against dollar and less rapidly against Euro. Interestingly all the countries above in the ranking in Forex Reserve - Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong is a net exporter – India is a net importer. As Western counties start questioning net exporter countries about their trade and currency manipulation practices, their foreign exchange reserves will inevitably reduce. For example China keeps its currency at an artificially low level by not allowing it to trade in the open international market and pegging the same to dollar at an artificial rate. Japan buys dollar in the open market and sells yen to keep yen low and use the proceeds to buy US Treasury bonds to keep the US interest rates low. China also buys US treasuries to keep US interest rate low. Keeping US interest rate low allows US economy to grow and in turn Japan and US sells more to US to increase their reserves. Recently US Government has taken a harder look at this practice and thing are in the process of changing. India on the other hand is not a net exporter. When thing are brought to parity and fairness, India will still continue to grow its foreign currency reserves. Does this mean India is really rich? Not quite so. India’s balance of payments still needs a lot of improvement. As for natural resources India rank way lower – but so does Japan. What it really means is the fact that the country has a tremendous advantage through self-reliance, a massive growing middle class, a very conservative habit of saving and avoiding debt and NRIs who believe in investing and saving in India.India’s biggest advantage is her talented English-speaking workforce. If India can avoid another war for the next twenty years, it is possible that India’s forex reserve will be at the top position in the world. This "historic high" has been achieved despite prepayment of $5.0 billion of external debt this calendar year, $5.5 billion outflow for redemption of Resurgent India Bonds and a contribution of $498 million to the International Monetary Fund, Finance Minister Jaswant Singh asserted. Singh said the forex reserves had increased by about $94 billion since 1991, while the external debt had gone up by only $20 billion. Singh said RBI has assured that the forex reserves would continue to be used to contain volatility, provide comfort to launch policy measures for accelerated growth and to withstand any possible supply shock. He was appreciative of RBI for prudent management of exchange rate, interest rate, liquidity conditions and forex reserves. "These policies, I am assured by the RBI, will continue to be followed keeping in view the overriding macro objective of growth, price stability and financial stability," he said. "This level of forex reserves reinforces my conviction that our aim of self-reliance for which we have worked for several decades since independence, has now comfortably been reached at this point of great confidence," Singh said, adding, "The nation is on a much higher growth path." "The nation's forex reserves contribute very significantly to our national security, apart from providing a much greater degree of national autonomy to the conduct of public policy," the minister said. The reserves would, in addition, enable Indian companies and financial intermediaries to access needed foreign currency resources for their domestic and global activities at finer and more favorable terms than ever before, Sigh added.Standard & Poor's on December 16 revised the outlook on India's 'BB' long-term foreign currency rating from negative to stable, reflecting the improving external finances. "Rapidly increasing external liquidity, sustained by growing foreign exchange reserves (exceeding 700 per cent of short-term debt), and modest debt service payments sparked the revision in the foreign currency outlook," a S&P release said, quoting credit analyst Takahira Ogawa, director in the Asia-Pacific Sovereign Ratings Group.Are we in golden days ahead? It depends on Indian politicians – how they deal with International politics and Kashmir. A war with Pakistan can drain India out in no time. But given there will be no war with any neighbor, India stands an excellence chance in becoming a major economic super power whose power does not depend entirely on selling to US and other Western countries at an artificially low cost.
Most of the country's reserves are in U.S. dollars, but the country's central bank has been reluctant to invest the growing reserves in assets overseas. That leaves the central bank vulnerable to the greenback, which has lost 15 percent of its value against the Euro this year. "Internationally, the dollar is in a very grave risk. If it collapses, the RBI will be the first calamity," said N. Subramanian at Basix Forex and Financial Solutions, a Bombay-based consultancy. "If I were the RBI governor, I would accumulate gold (and sell dollars)," Subramanian said, referring to the worldwide spurt in gold prices in recent months. Others suggested the government could pay a part of its external debt, which currently stands at US$109 billion. "Holding foreign exchange involves a cost. So India should use up some of those reserves to reduce liabilities," Nimisha T. Jain at Mecklai Financial and Commercial Services. Foreign exchange reserves are the stock of currencies, gold and other tradable assets that a country keeps to buy its imports and make international payments. Only US$4 billion of the US$96.04 billion in reserves is held in gold. The rest is mostly in U.S. dollars, with a small share in Euros. The central bank's reluctance to aggressively invest its reserves stems from fears that India could repeat the balance of payment crisis it faced in mid-1991, said P. Chidambaram, a former finance minister. At the time, India was left with just enough reserves to fund six weeks of imports. The central bank was forced to sell its gold abroad to raise money and avoid default. But now, India's annual trade deficit -- the gap between imports and exports -- is only around US$15 billion, or less than one-sixth of its foreign reserves.
Knowledge Of Forex Trading.
Currencies in Forex are traded in Lots. Since forex traders always search for the most efficient ways to limit risks or at least lessen risk effects. For this purpose various risk management and money management strategies are created. The Lot size are part of the money management to control the ammount of risk that will be taken.A standard lot size is 100 000 units. Units refer to the base currency being traded. For example, with USD/CHF the base currency is US dollar, therefore if to trade 1 standard lot of USD/CHF it would be worth $100 000. Example: GBP/USD, here the base currency is British Pound (GBP), a standard lot for GBP/USD pair will be worth £100 are three types of lots by size, Standard lots = 100 000 units, Mini lots = 10 000 units and micro lots = 1000 units. Mini and micro lots are offered to traders who open mini accounts on average size from $200 to $1000. Standard lot sizes can be traded with larger accounts only start from $ 10 000 but the requirements for a size of standard account vary from broker to broker.The smaller the lots size traded, the lower will be profits, but also the lower will be losses. When traders talk about losses, they also use term “risks”. Because trading in Forex is as much about losing money as about making money. Risks in Forex refer to the possibility of losing entire investment while trading. Trading Forex is known as one of the riskiest capital investments.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Forex Trading Weekly Forecast - 05.11.09.
US Dollar Decline May Be Start of Bigger Downturn Due to Risk AppetiteEuro Surges Versus US Dollar, but Outlook May Shift on CPI ResultsJapanese Yen Benefits From Neither Risk Appetite Nor FundamentalsBritish Pound Strength to Be Challenged by Economic DataSwiss Franc May Continue to Benefit From Increasing OptimismCanadian Dollar Lets Fundamentals Lead the WayAustralian Dollar Surges on S&P 500 Strength – Can Rally Last?New Zealand Dollar Advance Could Buckle as Domestic Demands FalterFull Article ...
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North American Stock Exchanges..
Alberta Stock Exchange, Canada
Montreal Stock Exchange, Canada
Toronto Stock Exchange, Canada
Vancouver Stock Exchange, Canada
Winnipeg Stock Exchange, Canada
Canadian Stock Market Reports, Canada
AMEX, United States
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), United States
NASDAQ, United States
The Arizona Stock Exchange, United States
Chicago Board Options Exchange, United States
Chicago Board of Trade, United States
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, United States
Kansas City Board of Trade, United States
Minneapolis Grain Exchange, United States
Philadelphia Stock Exchange, United States ..
South American Stock Exchanges..
Bermuda Stock Exchange, Bermuda
Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, Brazil
Cayman Islands Stock Exchange, Cayman Islands
Nicaraguan Stock Exchange, Nicaragua
Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Trinidad and Tobago
Caracas Stock Exchange, Venezuela
Venezuela Electronic Stock Exchange, Venezuela...
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong...
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (traditional Chinese: ?????, also ??? (HKEX), SEHK: 0388) is the stock exchange of Hong Kong. The exchange has predominantly been the main exchange for Hong Kong where shares of listed companies are traded. It is Asia's third largest stock exchange in terms of market capitalisation, behind the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. As of 31 December 2007, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange had 1,241 listed companies with a combined market capitalisation of $2.7 trillion.[1] Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing is the holding company for the exchange ...
Asian Stock Exchanges...
Sydney Futures Exchange, Australia
Australian Stock Exchanges, Australia
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Futures Exchange, Hong Kong
National Stock Exchange of India, India
Bombay Stock Exchange, India
Jakarta Stock Exchange, Indonesia
Indonesia NET Exchange, Indonesia
Osaka Securities Exchange, Japan
Tokyo Grain Exchange, Japan
Korea Stock Exchange, Korea
New Zealand Stock Exchange, New Zealand
Karachi Stock Exchange, Pakistan
Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES), Singapore
Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd. (SIMEX), Singapore
Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka
Taiwan Stock Exchange, Taiwan
The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand .
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Leia Mais…Quality executions Choose
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
BoE and ECB: Rate Decisions Week :- (Barcelona) - High volatility is set to continue this week, as mayor events such as rate decisions in 4 countries (England, Europe, Canada and Australia) plus U.S. unemployment Non Farm Payroll will surely get the market in motion. Both ECB and BOE are expect to cut at least 0.5 basis points. Employment in the U.S. is expect to fall for the fourteenth straight month in February at a rate of -645,000, which would be the single worth month of job losses since October 1949.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Forex Magic Machine...
The Forex Magic Machine robot has received plenty attention in the last few days. It has been said that this 3 version (Standard - Gold - Platinum) Expert Advisor has
revolutionized the forex market. But what are the reasons that this software has generated such an interest?
MegaDroid's performance has been tested for 10 years and it has been proved to be consistent if not magic. This is extremely rare for a forex robot to do! Very few robots out there can return your investment over a short period of time.
The Forex Magic Machine has the only three robots in the market that uses the RIPPER (Repeated Incremental Pruning to Produce Error Reduction) technology, which allows it to trade any type of forex market as it learns and corrects itself continuously. The only bad thing is to get your hands on the gold and platinum editions is that you need to buy the standard version first. The gold and platinum versions are limited editions and they make money hand over fist.
Unlike other robots, it has a winning rate of 97.41%.
You can start trading immediately, even with a live account of as little as $250. In fact, with Forex Magic Machine you can trade with any forex broker that has a metatrader 4 platform.
You can use it even if you have no previous experience, because it's a true install and go system.
With a $5,000 deposit, you'll earn hundred thousand dollars for zero work involved. No learning or experience required.
Richard Stevenson, the creator of The Forex Magic Machine, has spend 10 years of his life which made it possible for him to create a forex robot, which magic has never been seen before!