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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Keep On Track...

When it comes to forex trading, you need to follow the various aspects of the process very closely. It is not always easy to keep track of all the activities and procedures that are involved. There is a need to have a way to analyze and evaluate what you do. One of the tools that are important when it comes to forex trading is a trading log. This is because it assists you to have all the information about all the tasks and transactions that go on. With this approach, you will avoid getting overwhelmed by the activities especially when there is so much business.

The forex trading log is a simple tabular grid that has entries such as date, price, number of lots opened, exit price, the initial protective stop level, commodity and quantity. Most of the traders are used to using their personal diaries to keep records instead of the standard logs that are designed for forex trading. There are logs that are in book form and those that are in digital form. The format in the both is the same only difference comes in when you consider the convenience and flexibility.

Businesses have now gone digital and therefore bookkeeping and accounting have become easier. Spreadsheet programs are an example of a good trading log for your business because they have many computing and data management capabilities. Updating the figures is also easy since it is automated giving you a lot of flexibility. The spreadsheet programs that are used can help you make simple trading logs like the Microsoft Excel and Lotus 1-2-3.

There are many forex trading software in the market that can assist you in your forex trading tasks including log keeping. The available software includes tools that aid in market analysis, forecasting, order entry and management. This makes the package quite useful when you are trading.

A trading log can help you optimize your business weaknesses and make the best out of the venture. However, first you need to ask yourself why and what you should make entries and exits in the log. Else, it will be difficult to know what went wrong or what went right. Make sure you have a field where you will put the remarks after a fixed period of trading. This will play a big role when it comes to making important decisions regarding the strategies to adapt in your profitable forex trading business.


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